Well, here we all are with a post-Valentine's Day, literary bash hangover. Yesterday we celebrated our first public reading event and I think it went pretty well. We did some different activities related to reading out loud (which is harder than it would seem) and we also did a haiku poem writing exercise. I would like to express my gratitude to those who took part and I hope that you will feel inspired to participate in our next event which is coming up fast - March 8! - to celebrate International Women's Day.
You can read more about what we did yesterday (Feb. 14) at EOIOU Reading to Write which you can find a link to on the right of this page.
Star dust
Thursday afternoon. St. Valentine's day.
The computer room looked like a virtual space. It was crowdeed.
Yes indeed, it was crowdeed by illusion, dreams and stars.
Stars like Rita Lee, Shakespeare, Neruda or Yeats.
Even for a while we were able to swap roles (probably the
meditation can help me to make it ) :-)
We finished and we left but the stars dust came with us.
Hopefully we'll be polluted for long, at least until the next reallity.
It wasn't such a mystical experience for me but I also had a good time.