
Monday, January 14, 2013

Public Reading

I would like to invite you to take part in a public reading event taking place on February 14th.  Yes, it is on Valentine's Day and the theme that will tie everything together is love - but with a twist!  We are looking for something beyond just the same old sickly sweet romance that we often find in the mass media.  There are lots of kinds of love (parent-child, best friends, siblings, etc.) and love goes through many different stages (intimacy, frustration, hate, reconciliation, disappointment, etc.).  The idea is to wrestle with some of these aspects of love.  What will come out of it all?  We'll just have to wait and see.

Find a text that speaks to you of any of these manifestations of this powerful element of human experience and you can read it to an appreciative audience.  The text can come from any source, from poems to exerpts from novels, from songs to non-fiction, from classic thinkers to original work!

We can also look at posting your texts on this blog so those who can't go to the reading will be able read these pearls of wisdom and beauty from the comfort of their homes.


  1. Wow! !!!!! You've made my day.
    I'm just testing.

    1. I am so glad that you are interested in this activity. I hope it goes well. On Friday the teachers involved in this group had a meeting and we have given the public reading event more of a shape. Check out the school's website towards the end of next week and keep an eye out for posters in the halls.

      Good luck on your exams!

  2. February 1

    Despite I am not good at writing I am very fond of reading and learning so here I am
    ready to start. Please mattes join us.

    I am about to finish Trilogy in New York by Paul Auster and is being arduous.I am not a
    geek ( gafapasta). After finishing I will give you my honest opinion about it.

    After finishing the exams I am ready to take up again my reading task.
    I am not a coward,most of all I am very keen on learning. Making mistakes is also a good
    way for learning more.

    1. I loved Paul Auster's "New York Trilogy". I read it many years ago, but I remember that I really enjoyed the atmosphere he managed to create in all three books.

      The info about the public reading event is taking a little longer than I expected. We'll have to know more this week.

      Most of all, I am glad that you are reading and writing in English.
